Love Stories/Great Loves/Escapism Or Broken Record which is how I feel a little bit, so thank you if you have stuck with my 'lets go round the houses and get stuck on repeat until we finally stick with one thing...' blog style.
'Love Stories' is a collection of paintings that although dealing with separate love's in various states of being, as a whole the collection deals with the extremes of obsession and love in all its guises. The relationship between Robert Ford and Jesse James is the second one I am taking on (after Norman & Marie, above). The Film itself is beautifully sinister, much of it looks like a painting. Its a 'Love story' that I am extended out into a larger project, which has got me doing lots of this.. \0/ the moment. Some of the love stories in the collection will be extended further, its one of the things I like about working in the way I do. I dont feel restricted to the 'one painting on a wall' issue which I used to deal with, and always felt slightly disappointed in. It was just to much of a squeeze for me.
Any-who, I have included scans from the short story 'Lovers of Their Time' from the collection 'Bodily Secrets' By William Trevor, which is in the Penguins 'Great Loves' Collection. On the back of each book there is a 'Love can be...' Some are a bit cheesy, but here's a few of my favourites..
Love can be controlling
Love can be murderous
Love can be impossible
Love can be forbidden
Love can be rewritten
well, my next update here will be the regularly scheduled 1st December post. I shall try and make it mostly pictures.
Currently Reading
The assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford - by Ron Hansen
Other Stuff
Fallen Empires was cheap on Amazon last week, so I didn't have to wait until Christmas, hooray! I like it a lot, but I am biased and have Snow Patrol coloured spectacles, I am wearing them right now. They are very nice.
I am on Good Reads, where everything I have been reading lately is listed, should you fancy joining and sharing what you're reading too.
If you are interested in being the next artist in residence here at Reside then feel free to have a look at the application information and send your submission via the contact form on this site. The deadline for application is 23 January 2012.