Re appropriating images is a touchy subject for me but one that feels necessary right now. I have stumbled across these images, which in itself can be frustraiting as (for this area of work) I shy away from actively searching down images and instead allow them to come to me on my Tumblr dash.
Anyway these collages (though I tend to call them cut outs) are about escape and retreat, what from and why are stories told through the photographs and although some have a melancholy edge in the main there is a romantic notion within.
I am still making drawings of tiny Islands, lots of them, so I am going to go and make some of those now. (oh, real time blogging, I dont often do that)
In other news:
I will be taking part in Transition Galleries Strip at Sluice art fair this weekend with paintings from The Collector series. I'm really looking forward to seeing the show and the exhibits from all of the other galleries and artists taking part as well as catching up with people I havnt seen for a while and meeting some twitter friends for the first time. One of my Favourite things to do.
Currently Reading
...and talking of books I am on Goodreads here which I am finding really handy for sharing and finding new books/authors to read. Plus I get to indulge in my love of lists. Making lists: Its the teenage obsession that I never grew out of, well, there are others too but.....
The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand
Georges Bataille, essential writings- Michael Richardson
Story Of The Eye - Georgres Bataille
(and I said I wasnt going to start something new but I started and finished a whole other novel between posting here. Naughty.)
Gabriel's Inferno - Sylvian Reynard