'..about the idea of approaching death but also about, I think importantly, about the idea, that the character who is going to kill Jesse James, is in a very modern celebrity conscious kind of way, obsessed by him.' Mark Kermode
I posted this clip on twitter the other week, so pardon the repeat.
This is my penultimate Reside post. It feels like the best place to stop (before the end of residency round up) because I am starting to get stuck into a new project centering around Robert Ford & Jesse James and although it has its origins in Reside it will have a different sort of outcome.....
I am writing this having had too much coffee and while watching Big Bang Theory we seem to have it on repeat lately, its been slim pickings on the telly of late (not including Sherlock -of course).
Anyway, the next and last post will be January 31st.
If you are interested in being the next artist in residence here at Reside then feel free to have a look at the application information and send your submission via the contact form on this site. The deadline for application is 23 January 2012.