The word Reside, when looking more carefully at its definition, is interesting when considered as an 'act' of living for a purpose. Also what caught me was the form of 'sinking', 'settling', as 'sediment'. I like the idea of settling like sediment, it gives definition of what I am in terms of the space around me at home. It also involves time and time is a major force on my mind. I'm residing along with everything else in the rooms and spaces of the house, with its layers of sediment built over time, resisting and giving in to the slow movement downstream. To open ocean? This is all simple ways of life and it strikes me that very often emotional engagement with artwork is created by the need for simplicity. This leads to slowness and waiting, bringing suspense, nervousness and tension. It all gets into the artwork, hopefully.
So where does this leave my intentions for Reside? I have been on a path that has lead me back to painting, semi-abstract pieces on paper. I may move away from painting a little, to find other ways of looking. I may think about the relationship with outside more. I may explore drawing as an end in itself. I'm hoping though that it will help me find something new to what I already know.